SIFA Newsletter: COVID-19 Edition

Aspyee Admin
SIFA Newsletter: COVID-19 Edition

The Skills Initiative For Africa (SIFA) special edition newsletter reflects on the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 and resultant implications for TVET and skills development. 

The Skills Initiative for Africa seeks to improve the employment prospects of African Youth through showcasing of best practices, facilitating expert dialogue to find pragmatic solutions for accompanying ongoing TVET reforms. Importantly, SIFA aims to strengthen public-private sector partnerships at national and regional level to drive demand-oriented skills delivery with TVET institutions. In this regard, this edition serves as a compilation of our collective analysis, reflections and insights gathered as the COVID-19 pandemic unravels and its impact in the skills development environment. Our research is based on country level experiences in terms of economic impacts and possible recovery strategies and what impact this will have on continued training and development in the TVET sector. In addition, the newsletter reflects on the dire impacts COVID-19 has had on the informal sector and the role that targeted skills development to this cohort could help restore business activity.

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