From Silo Mentality to Systems Practice

26 Jul 2024
Aspyee Admin
From Silo Mentality to Systems Practice
From Silo Mentality to Systems Practice

A knowledge brief on how to catalyse transformative systems change towards youth skills development for sustainable livelihoods in Africa. Why do many youth employability skills interventions lack sustainable impact? Why have the many youth employability projects across the world, made limited gains without shifting the outcomes towards universal youth employability skills for sustainable youth livelihoods? As actors involved in youth skills development we are challenged to re-imagine our approaches, in terms of the outcomes and the sustainability thereof. This Learning Brief offers poses some questions and provides some guidance towards a systems approach that needs to underpin skills and employability intervention for change.

In 2021, the AUDA NEPAD and International Youth Federation hosted a series of webinars to discuss systems change approaches towards youth employability and skills development. This knowledge brief is the outcome of these webinars.