Remote Education Benchmarking Toolkit: Higher Education

Aspyee Admin
Remote Education Benchmarking Toolkit: Higher Education
Remote Education Benchmarking Toolkit

The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked a historically unprecedented shock on education systems in Africa. Many higher education institutions were closed by governments in response to the pandemic. The lost learning time not only harms the current generation but could undo decades of progress. At the same time, the crisis has stimulated innovation in the higher education sub-sector. Nontraditional and distance education options have been developed thanks to the rapid intervention of States and partners around the world committed to ensuring educational continuity. However, not all African countries are at the same level of distance education development. In many countries, the development of effective distance education is still in its infancy. Based on the above, The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) proposes this toolkit to Ministries of Higher Education in African countries to help them to think, plan and ensure improved implementation and effective distance education.